The Importance of Prayer - Lesson 3: Prayers For Life's Needs

Image result for god provides our needs

Teacher: First Lady Mignon Holly

Resource: Guides For Living -

Central Verse:
"Give us day by day our daily bread" - Luke 11:3 KJV
"Give us each day our daily bread" - Luke 11:3 NIV

What is a need? A need is a necessary duty; an obligation; a lack of something requisite, desirable, or useful. It is not a disgrace when a person finds himself in need. The Heavenly Father has made provision for every child He allows to be born upon this earth. It is true that many persons go through life in need and never receive the help they need or deserve; but remember it is not God's fault. In many instances the lack is created because of the greed of men.

What are our needs?

  • Physical needs
  • Emotional needs
  • Spiritual needs
  • Material needs
  • Social needs
We all have daily needs and some people's needs are many, but understand the difference between needs and wants.

You have enough troubles just in this day to start worrying about things tomorrow.

Most of us don't pray for our daily needs. A lot of us are doing intercessory prayers for others. We can't receive if we don't ask.

Matthew 6:7-8
We have to pray. God knows our every need. When you ask in faith, get ready to receive in faith. Don't waiver in your faith or you won't receive anything. 

Why Ask?
  1. It all belongs to God.
  2. Asking helps us grow in faith and our relationship. (Think of a child. When they ask their parents for a "need" and it is provided, they depend on them each time. This is how God wants us to depend on Him for our every need.)
  3. It makes us aware of our need for God. (We don't want to be self-sufficient. If all of our needs were met, we wouldn't turn to God. God desires us to commune with Him. God want us to come and bring our request and it will result in testimony, not for just others; but help develop you.)
  4. It is essential for encouragement. (When we pull on God for our needs it encourages us when a fulfills to need.)
  5. It is essential for our development and character. (If you have never been through anything, how can you tell others what God can do?)
  6. It is essential for our confidence in the character of God. (God is not a man that he should lie. You know that He is your God and will supply all your need.)  He is a _______________? Fill in the blank.
  7. We are his co-workers
Matthew 7:7
Ask, seek, knock= ASK!

No need is overlooked, too big or too little, or unimportant. Regardless the need, God will provide.

Make sure you approach Him in the name of Jesus Christ as He is our mediator.

Sometimes we overextended ourselves and try to help ourselves instead of trusting God enough to meet the need.

Jesus said He will give abundant life. This doesn't mean we will be rich or a millionaire. God works with what we have.

Change what you say and how you think. Stop saying "I'm broke", I'm poor, etc. Even though you don't see it or can't touch it, thank God that your cabinets are full and food in your refrigerator. Doubts and blessings can't come out the same mouth. Our thinking can hinder us from the blessing of God.

Part of asking is seeking. 

God does not force himself on us. We have to ask. God owns it all and we have to tap into the resources. 

God brings the whole package. If he blesses you with a house, it come with the lights on, etc.

We are living beneath our PRIVILEGE! Our privilege is prayer and asking for what we need.

We want the microwave answer to get it right then and there. But we have to be obedient and waiting to see where God takes you. Obedience is better then sacrifice.

Activity for home:

But my God shall supply all you need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19)

What are your...

Basic needs:________________________________________________

Material needs:______________________________________________

Spiritual needs:______________________________________________

Emotional needs:_____________________________________________

Physical needs:_______________________________________________


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